Hackathon Venue

Venue, Parking, Wifi etc.


  • The hackathon will be hosted at the UCT Graduate School of Business.
  • It is located at 9 Portswood Road - close to the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront and Greenpoint stadium.
  • Parking is located below Portswood Road (please see directions below).
  • Registration and the welcome lunch will take place in the Graduate School of Business quad. The rest of the hackathon will take place at the Conference Center.


Directions from the airport

  • Take the N2 from the Airport to town.
  • Carry on straight past the Southern Sun Waterfront Hotel on your left until you reach the second set of traffic lights.
  • .Turn right into Helen Suzman Boulevard
  • Take the right-hand lane that leads to a small set of traffic lights leading into Portswood Road.
  • Turn right into Portswood Road.



  • If approaching Portswood Road from the mountain side (Helen Suzman Blvd):
    • After taking the Portswood Road turnoff, take the first road right, Marina Road. Then take the first right and follow the road down to the parking lot.
  • If approaching Portswood Road from the Waterfront side (Dock Road):
    • You will drive past the UCT Graduate School of Business (on your left) and take the last road on your left, Marina Road. Then take the first right and follow the road down to the parking lot.
  • There are above-ground bays that you can park in as well as basement parking.
  • Walk up to the Business School quad from the parking - there will be directional signage to guide you.
  • Parking at the UCT Graduate School of Business is free.
A map of access and parking at the UCT Graduate School of Business


Road closures on the 20th of October (due to CT Marathon)

  • The Cape Town Marathon will be taking place on 20th October and the UCT Graduate School of Business is surrounded by the start and finish area. 
  • Road closures in the area start from 4am and finish 2.30pm, but delays will be significant throughout the day.
  • You can take a look at the full list of road closures here.
  • The hackathon is an overnight hackathon and due to these road closures, we highly recommend that you don’t travel home on the night of the 19th Oct and then try to get back in time on the 20th.
  • There will be a space made available in the auditorium at the venue for you to have a nap, so bring your pillow and a blanket with you!



  • Transport grants to and from the venue may be available to eligible local participants (within the Cape Town area). Please inquire by contacting community@make.dev.



  • Registration and lunch will take place from 13:00 - 14:00 on Saturday 19th October at the UCT Graduate School of Business quad.
  • Please ensure that you are on time so that we can get everyone registered and kick off the hackathon at 14:15.



  • Everyone will receive their own wifi code on the day.