Nyi Aye

Nyi Aye

ThitsaWorks, CEO

Nyi Aye

In 2016, Nyi established ThitsaWorks to develop data-driven solutions that enable financial institutions to efficiently manage payment, data and mi gate risks. Nyi has 28+ years of experience in public administration on, finance, fintech, software development, and financial inclusion. Prior to founding ThitsaWorks, Nyi had over 20 years of experience at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in finance and technology where he led a team of information technology professionals and software developers as Chief of Information Systems in the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management in his last position.

ThitsaX: Interconnected Nodes to Bridge Worlds

ThitsaX connectors are interconnected nodes that facilitate cross-ledger transactions. They leverage the Interledger Protocol to route and process payments across various payment systems and core back-end systems of different types of financial institutions, enabling transfers between diverse ledgers and networks. This network expansion promotes financial inclusion and creates an easily accessible…