New Interledger Foundation grant awarded to advance digital financial inclusion in Mexico
In 2024 People’s Clearinghouse (PCH) and the Mexican Association of Social Sector Credit Unions (AMUCSS) are entering into a new phase of development with the Interledger Protocol (ILP) to advance digital financial inclusion. This has been made possible through additional funding by the Interledger Foundation, supporting their mission of building equity and inclusion within a global interoperable payments network.
Entirely based on open source technology such as ILP, PCH will produce an accessible and inexpensive solution for connecting social financial institutions. PCH clients will be able to initiate transfers from their digital devices and receive remittances from family members in the United States directly into their community bank accounts in Mexico.
PCH’s platform will increase financial inclusion within rural and indigenous communities because it works directly with community-owned, social-justice-oriented banks. It prioritizes real financial inclusion, targeting underrepresented regions that have considerable potential for sustainable development thanks to their strong regional identities, collective means of organization, and massive incoming remittances.
Over six hundred thousand users will benefit, both in the short- and long-term, of this technological and social platform, comprising AMCUSS’ community banks and a series of saving coops. This is an exciting step forward in advancing the digital financial inclusion agenda and creating innovative, fairer financial services for Mexico’s social financial sector.
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