Roberto Valdovinos
Roberto Valdovinos
People's Clearinghouse, CFO

B.A. and M.A. in Logic and Philosophy (Pantheon-Sorbonne University), M.Phil. in Comparative Studies (Columbia University). Directed a migrant organization in the US and a national institute in Mexico. Works with migrants and marginalized communities in social justice and financial inclusion projects.
Bridging communities with Rafiki: the migrant/remittances market for account-serving entities
This panel will bring together CEOs of account-serving entities in the US interested in implementing Rafiki so that their users may send remittances, along with specialists in remittances’ regulation, in a provocative discussion around remittances, migrant populations and the use of Rafiki.
Cross-border inter-scheme transfer demo: from Rafiki to a Mojaloop switch
This demo will present the architecture behind People’s Clearinghouse solution and showcase a demo in which the audience will be able to send mock money from their Rafiki instances at towards a community bank’s account that doesn’t implement Rafiki.