Rob Reeve

Rob Reeve

CEO - LexTego, putting you in control of your payments

Rob Reeve

CEO of LexTego, one of the founding companies building Tazama - an Open Source Transaction Monitoring Platform. Rob is a senior Executive with a track record of delivering innovative Digital Financial Services. Experience in defining and delivering new financial products, combined with a deep understanding of the subsequent legal, technical and operational implications. Experience in more than 50 countries, across five continents in developed and developing markets.

Bridging communities with Rafiki: the migrant/remittances market for account-serving entities

This panel will bring together CEOs of account-serving entities in the US interested in implementing Rafiki so that their users may send remittances, along with specialists in remittances’ regulation, in a provocative discussion around remittances, migrant populations and the use of Rafiki.