Pourya Omidi

Pourya Omidi

Waag futurelab, Project lead

Pourya Omidi

Pourya Omidi works as a project developer for Waag’s Future Internet Lab and Commons Lab. He was eighteen years old when he moved to the Netherlands from Iran to study electrical engineering at TU Delft while mastering Dutch. After his study, he started his professional journey in the commercial climate and gained a lot of experience in the high-tech software and (embedded) hardware domain. For a period of four years, he co-founded a medical startup and worked on the development of a diagnostic tool for cardiac patients. Gradually, his interest in the ethics and impact of technology grew and for that reason he joined Waag to pursue this ambition.

Trust-based banking technical session

Undocumented people are excluded from many governmental services and cannot open a bank account in the Netherlands. This exclusion becomes more severe each day, as it is nearly impossible to survive with only cash. Shops and services in the city are rapidly moving towards accepting only card payments. We have now been granted funding from Interledger, together our partner Here to Support, and wit…