Neema Lugangira

Neema Lugangira

Chair, African Parliamentary Network on Internet Governance (APNIG) and Member of Parliament Tanzania

Neema Lugangira

Hon. Neema Lugangira (MP) is a Member of Parliament in Tanzania who bring forward extensive experience and successful track record in championing policy advocacy and legislative reforms across different sectors. Nationally, Hon. Lugangira founded two NGOs; Agri Thamani, which is committed to ending malnutrition, address climate action and hosts the World Food Forum Tanzania Chapter; and Omuka Hub, focused on accelerating digital development, combat online violence on women in politics and hosts the African Parliamentary Network on Internet Governance (APNIG). Internationally, Hon. Lugangira is a Member of the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group of the United National Internet Governance Forum; Africa Representative to the Global Board of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF; Member of the Executive Committee of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, Africa Representative to Global Executive Board of the International Parliamentary Network on Education (IPNEd); Member of the Women Parliamentarians Network on Foreign and Security Policy for Development under the Munich Security Conference; among others. Notably, Hon. Neema Lugangira has advocated for nutrition to be a priority national agenda prior to being a Member of Parliament and has continued to do so as a Member of Parliament. To mention a few, her key achievements in this sphere include nutrition recognised as a key success factor for human capital development, nutrition being prioritized in 2020-2025 Election Manifestos of Three Political Parties in Tanzania, the Ministry of Agriculture launching the National Nutrition-Sensitive Action Plan, the Ministry of Education launching the National School Feeding Guidelines, Tanzania joining the School Meals Coalition, and mobilizing fellow Parliamentarians in Tanzania and across Africa to prioritise nutrition in their advocacy efforts.

Parliamentarian Perspectives: Fostering Inclusive Open Payments in Africa

This session will bring together five Members of Parliament from various African countries for a mainstage discussion on the role of policy and regulation in developing responsible, ethical, open payment systems in Africa to enhance digital financial inclusion. ​​In a world increasingly reliant on digital connectivity, access to digital financial services remains a crucial determinant of econom…