Liz Steininger

Liz Steininger

CEO of Least Authority

Liz Steininger

Liz Steininger is the CEO/Managing Director of Least Authority, a leading Web3 security consulting company and builder of privacy enhancing technology products, including Private.Storage and Winden.App. Least Authority specializes in securing Web3 products, capability-based security and implementing advanced cryptography, especially zero-knowledge proofs (ZK) and multi-party computations (MPC). Beyond security audits for new technologies, Least Authority has also released the MoonMath Manual, a practical guide for developers to understand zero-knowledge proofs. The company focuses on cutting-edge security and empowering users to control their right to privacy.

Existing Ecosystem Approaches to Inclusive and Accessible Digital Financial Services

In today’s landscape of increasingly riskier digital experiences and the recent Crowdstrike related IT global outage, universal access to digital financial services is seen as a critical infrastructural resource. Taking a decentralized approach that incorporates ethical design principles to safeguard the privacy, security, and autonomy of users is vital, that the Interledger Protocol seeks to fa…