Victoria Coker

Victoria Coker

Black Web Fest, Founder

Victoria Coker

Victoria Coker is a multi-disciplinary artist and entrepreneur. She graduated from St. John’s University with a Bachelor’s in communication arts. Ms. Coker has more than ten years of design and marketing experience and has worked for organizations such as Carnegie Hall, Bric Arts Media, and Oxford University Press. In 2017, she launched the Black Web Fest, an organization dedicated to celebrating Black creatives and digital content. Her goal is to build a legacy to empower her community.

Payment Parity Perspectives: Women of Color Reshaping Financial Inclusion

The session will feature perspectives from three women of color from diverse sociocultural backgrounds on their situated knowledge related to problems, impacts, and potential solutions to financial inclusion and equity. The panelists have a longstanding background of working with the ILP community and will comment on best practices and open payment standards to enable seamless interoperability bet…