Roberto Valdovinos

Roberto Valdovinos

The People's Clearinghouse, CFO

Roberto Valdovinos

B.A. and M.A. in Logic and Philosophy (Pantheon-Sorbonne University), M.Phil. in Comparative Studies (Columbia University). Directed a migrant organization in the US and a national institute in Mexico. Works with migrants and marginalized communities in social justice and financial inclusion projects.

Rafiki's “Corridor”: Mexico's PCH remittance use case

The People's Clearinghouse (PCH) is a community-owned tech platform for payments and financial services, that interconnects community banks and savings coops. By implementing Rafiki, PCH will use ILP to record financial obligations that correspond to incoming remittances sent from US-based wallets (which also implement Rafiki) towards PCH's participants. This demo aims to demonstrate the technical…

Building Digital Financial Inclusion from Below

Executives from four leading Latin American organizations dedicated to grassroots financial inclusion in poor and marginalized regions of Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Ecuador, will discuss what real financial inclusion means, how payment digitalization is transforming their regions and why new open source technologies like ILP can become important allies in expanding their mission for real fin…