Raashi Saxena

Raashi Saxena

Strategy Consultant & Trainer

Raashi Saxena

Moderator (Confirmed) Raashi Saxena is a renowned public interest technologist, trainer, and strategy consultant with Accessibility Lab and carries a wealth of experience in open-source technology, social impact, and practice. She holds several advisory positions, including with The Internet Rights & Principles Dynamic Coalition, Missions Publiques’s “We, the Internet” Project, and Threading Change, a sustainable fashion non-profit. As a consultant, her clients include Digital Communication Network, Accessibility Lab, studio intO, Superbloom, The Innovation for Policy Foundation, Internews, Gapminder Foundation, and the IO Foundation. As a highly sought-after international speaker, Raashi has spoken on panels and conferences across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe. Her expertise has been recognized in prominent publications such as the Mozilla 2022 Internet Health Report and Pew Research Center’s 2021 Report on Digital Spaces. The World Economic Forum has honored Raashi as one of the Six Inspirational Young Female Leaders, and she currently holds the position of Curator of the Global Shapers Bengaluru Hub. Additionally, she was recognized by Women Deliver as a Young Leader. Based in Bangalore, India, Raashi works tirelessly towards creating a positive social impact through her various global endeavours.

Payment Parity Perspectives: Women of Color Reshaping Financial Inclusion

The session will feature perspectives from three women of color from diverse sociocultural backgrounds on their situated knowledge related to problems, impacts, and potential solutions to financial inclusion and equity. The panelists have a longstanding background of working with the ILP community and will comment on best practices and open payment standards to enable seamless interoperability bet…