Fernando Almiñana

Fernando Almiñana

Wallet Guru Co-Founder. Pioneering streaming payments and subscription-less services.

Fernando Almiñana

Fernando's entrepreneurial journey spans across various industries, including real estate development and operations, food manufacturing, financial consulting, electronic security and telecommunications. With over 16 years of experience in mission-critical communications, he has gained a comprehensive understanding of telecom infrastructure design and operations. Fernando is a co-founder of Wallet Guru and has been instrumental in guiding the company's strategic planning and software development.

Subscription Services in the Age of Streaming Payments: Embracing Disruption

Discover how Interledger is poised to enable subscription-less services, addressing the long-standing hurdle of prepaid payment methods in the service industry. Join us to delve into how this groundbreaking technology will not only overcome existing challenges, promote inclusivity, but also pave the way for improved business models and sweeping disruptions across entire industries.