Interledger Developers Portal
Help shape the future of interoperable payments and enable seamless exchange of value across payment networks.
We welcome contributions to our open-source repositories on GitHub. If you find them valuable, please give us a star. Your support makes a difference!
Open Payments Repo
Open Payments is an open API standard that can be implemented by account servicing entities to facilitate interoperability in the setup and completion of payments for different use cases.
Rafiki Repo
Rafiki is open source software that provides an efficient solution for an Account Servicing Entity to enable Interledger functionality on its users' accounts.
Specifications Repo
The Interledger Protocol (ILP) is an open, neutral protocol for transferring money based on TCP/IP, designed for sending packets of money across different accounting ledgers.
Test Network Repo
The Test Network (Testnet) is an open Interledger network working with test money designed for account servicing entities to test their Interledger integration.
Engineering Blog
Our team shares their thoughts and experiences on Interledger and the work that we are doing.
Read our blog